Benefits of mussels: properties, contraindications and recipes

Benefits of mussels: properties, contraindications and recipes
You can taste the peppered mussels , rice, potatoes and mussels , pasta with beans and mussels , spaghetti with mussels , mussel soup , mussels marinara , stuffed mussels and many other specialties.

From a nutritional point of view, these seafood have very few calories and fat. Therefore they are not a food that induces weight gain. They also have several beneficial substances. Later we will discover the components of this mollusk.

For now let's focus on the appearance of the mussels. These molluscs have a shape that resembles a drop, they generally have a dark color. Black and purplish if we can say. They prefer life on the rocks, remaining well attached to them. But that's not always the case, they stick to anything that doesn't move, even boat wrecks.

There are different types of mussels, but the Taranto ones are the most delicious. That is the Apulian mussels. Usually the Atlantic and Mediterranean are the preferred seas for this marine mollusc species.

Mussels: Nutritional principles

The mussels are rich in substances beneficial to the body's health. It is amazing how many components these tender molluscs have. So it can be said that in addition to being good they are also healthy. But what do they present within them? Here is a small list that faithfully reports the substances present:


             Vitamins B , C and A

             Mineral salts ( sodium , zinc , magnesium , potassium , iron and phosphorus )

             Antioxidant substances

Benefits of mussels

The mussels are unbeatable in the kitchen and in the therapeutic field. By taking these molluscs responsibly we could guarantee our body many positive effects. Some of these are also very important.

We just have to discover the black mussels and the benefits they bring to the body:

             Those with low blood iron levels can take mussels to restore the situation to normal. The same is true for anemics .

             The mineral salts of mussels combined with vitamin B fight fatigue .

             Among the properties and benefits of mussels, the ability to fight water retention stands out . Like? With the high potassium content they obviously present. They also regulate blood pressure, this always with the potassium that is present.

             In molluscs, high percentages of antioxidant substances are concentrated , which prevent cellular aging and at the same time counteract the action of free radicals , or cancer cells.

             The mussels have beneficial properties have on the immune system of the organism thanks to the vitamin C they have. So they are great for preventing ailments during the change of seasons.

             When speaking of mussels and its properties and the benefits we can not forget the ability to stimulate the memory  is the phosphorus to ensure this positive effect on the organism. It would also seem that this type of mineral can counteract depression.

             Are mussels bad for the liver ? Assuming good dose of seafood but not exceed the body will do a good supply of vitamin B . This substance is friendly to the liver , which means that it improves its performance. It also improves the nervous system . As if that weren't enough, vitamin B also has a metabolic action on proteins and fats .

             Against mood swings , phosphorus is very suitable. Especially during the menstrual cycle . Period in which the woman is very vulnerable on an emotional level and tends to change mood often. In this sense, we can say that mussels also have benefits on sex .

NB . We would like to remember that mussels are not fattening . The Kcal of these molluscs are very few. Therefore, if taken in a food diet, they will not affect the outcome of the slimming method.

Things to know about mussels

The flavor of these shellfish is not always the same. Although it is always very good, there are factors that greatly affect the quality of the mussels . For example the place of origin, their size and the period of the season. These are all aspects that should not be underestimated. Let's try to understand better:

             The bigger they are, the less they are delicious in terms of taste. Aspect correlated to the age of the mussel . That is, the older it is, the older it is.

             Mussels are bad for cholesterol . In fact, if taken between spring and summer, they bring an excessive amount of cholesterol to the body. We think 100g of mussels contain around 120mg of cholesterol.

             The flavor of these molluscs also changes according to the area they prefer. That is, the mussels present in the vicinity of the river mouths are not the same as those present in the open sea.

             Beware of mussel bacteria , as salmonellae and entero-bacteria manage to survive in the mollusk.

NB. To conclude with mussels , we would like to point out that they are not suitable for those who suffer from hypertension. Sodium is responsible for not making this food assimilable by subjects with too high blood pressure.

Since we have talked so much about shellfish, let's now see a recipe based on mussels . Just so as not to sit and lick your mustache. 

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