What are the health benefits of chlorella

What is chlorella
Chlorella, known by the scientific name of Chlorella Vulgaris, is a single-celled alga that grows in African seas and takes this name as it is bright green in color. This characteristic indicates a high concentration of chlorophyll , which gives a first hint about its composition.
Chlorella seaweed is known to be rich in vitamins such as A, those of group B including folates, C, D, K, E, as well as having a good supply of proteins, which represent more than half of its weight.
These are followed by 20% of sugars and 15% of beneficial essential fatty acids , similar to Omega 3 and 6.
To this list are also added other substances, such as chlorellin , which are recognized antibiotic effects and growth factors, such as the CGF, which are the basis of cell regeneration and the regularization of hormonal levels.
The chlorella seaweed is also rich in minerals , such as iron , zinc which gives it a high antioxidant power, magnesium and calcium.
What is chlorella used for? Chlorella
is taken through food supplements that can be found in the form of tablets, mother tincture, tablets and even in powder form.
Each of these formats follows a precise dosage, which must be carefully respected in order not to incur possible disturbances, even if mild.
The concentration of proteins makes chlorella supplements ideal for those who perform physical activity at competitive and professional levels, as it naturally promotes the development of muscle mass.
In other respects, this alga is excellent for those who want to detoxify , in particular from the assimilation of heavy metals, including mercury. The same metals accumulate in the organism through all types of pollution and, by taking chlorella extracts, the work of the liver and kidneys is facilitated in eliminating the physiological waste of the organism.
Added to this is the ability to reduce the symptoms and effects of anemia , thanks to the presence of iron, which can be useful for those who suffer from ulcers or have a heavy cycle.
Vitamins help improve eyesight and increase immunity, in conjunction with the presence of fibers, which facilitate intestinal transit and a good assimilation of nutrients. In our digestive system there is as much as 80% of the immune defenses, so having a healthy intestine means being able to fight infections in the best possible way.
The antioxidant action of chlorella is highly appreciated for slowing down the harmful effects of free radicals. You can have youthful skin and prevent some cancers, especially liver cancer. In the case of overt tumors , chlorella is an excellent adjuvant in the elimination of cancer cells.
The seaweed is contraindicated for pregnant women and for those suffering from hypoglycemia. Before taking it, however, it is necessary to inform your doctor, who knows the general health conditions.